Friday 6 January 2017

Focus Friday - Daisy Events

To start the Focus Friday series I thought I would throw the Focus onto myself. So...

Name:           Charlotte Day
Company:     Daisy Events
                      Event Management Consultancy

About Me
I have been in events for nearly 10 years, but my heart lies in weddings.  There is something about the romanticism that just draws me in!  I am a bit of a hippy, and a geek mixed together.  I was lucky enough to grow up with lots of family around me, and they provide tons of inspiration.  I currently live in Bletchley, with my son, and our Pug puppy Lucas. 

About Daisy Events
Daisy started out a side project when I was contracting with a training team.  I was let go and had to make ends meet, so I pulled on my strengths and got organising.  I was taken back on at the company, and have kept Daisy Events running alongside ever since.  As work picks up more focus has been on building the profile, and providing a much more clarified service. Now Daisy Events has moved back to Milton Keynes, and is getting to know the local area.

Over the years Daisy Events has run some great events, from engagement parties, to weddings, to conferences.  Each one unique in its production, and in what we provide in terms of service.

Daisy Events is a consultancy based company. This sets us apart from a lot of "Planners" who provide more of a take over service. We work alongside the client so that they remain in control, but have access to the tools they need to get the job done.  If that means the need a take over service though, that is what we will provide.

Our first consultation is absolutely free. We get you to fill in a short questionnaire beforehand so we can get to know you a little beforehand.  This enables us to really get started as soon as we meet. The first consultation is all about finding out what your goals are, where your concerns lie, and then letting you know how we can help you. Email now, and I will send out a Client Introduction Pack with more details.

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